This video gives you tips on how to pack your backpack for wilderness hiking. A standard backpack will do just fine. As for the gear, there are a few essential items that you must pack, such as a sleeping bag and a ziploc bag to keep your clothes dry and bowls and spoons. You can combine a spoon and a fork and use a spork for the best combination. Other things such as measuring cups are also useful. Toilet paper is very handy, and pots and pans are essential for cooking things you catch. Other items include rope, a towel, and a sponge. Then the creator of the video shows you how to pack all of these items efficiently.
The next big software update for iPhone is coming sometime in April and will include a Food section in Apple News+, an easy-to-miss new Ambient Music app, Priority Notifications thanks to Apple Intelligence, and updates to apps like Mail, Photos, Podcasts, and Safari. See what else is coming to your iPhone with the iOS 18.4 update.
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